Activities for
At Willerby Methodist Church

Hello, my name is Amy and I’m the older persons worker here at Willerby Methodist Church. We have lots of events and groups for the older generation, as well as special seasonal activities. Here are a few of our groups;
The Brunch Club
Meets once a month and is a space for men of later years to share friendship, memories and opinions around a common theme. They also enjoy a lunch together after the discussion group.
Good News Singers
Meet fortnightly on a Tuesday evening. They are a group of ladies who are drawn together by their love of singing, and delight to present the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They are not a ‘choir’ of trained voices: all ladies who love to sing are welcome to join.
All Together Now
Is a social singalong event, held fortnightly on a Friday in the church hall. They enjoy a singalong, a chat and refreshments.
Film Club
Meets once a month to watch a film and share refreshments.
Familiar Faces
Meets every week to listen to a talk and share a lunch together. We also have special Easter, Summer and Christmas celebration days.
Coffee Mornings
Are held regularly in the church café. They bring together people of all ages for a coffee and a natter.
Wives Group
Meets every Monday with a varied programme of speakers, visits and trips out. All Ladies are welcome.
Art Club
Meets every Wednesday morning and is a casual art class guided by artist Geoff Hewitt. The group is open for all abilities: beginners very welcome. Bring along an art project and enjoy creating and chatting in friendly company.
FOR MORE INFORMATION EMAIL willerbyopworker@outlook.com